Assalamualaikum wbt. and greetings from Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (IPPT),
The Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) also known as Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (IPPT) was first established on October 16, 2002 upon the Cabinet decision to establish IPPT at Bertam, Kepala Batas, Penang under the governance of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
IPPT is a research institute focusing on three key components, which are clinical services, research activities and postgraduate academic programs. This institution aims to produce competent and holistic medical as well as dental specialists and experts who are capable to lead new discoveries for global benefit using state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
In order to ensure IPPT stays relevant in the international arena, six departments were established on 15th December 2021 to realign the role of previous clusters. They are the Department of Biomedical Imaging, Department of Biomedical Science, Department of Toxicology, Department of Community Health, Department of Dental Science and Department of Clinical Medicine. Hence, to strengthen the IPPT research niche area, four research programmes namely Emerging Infectious Disease: Preparation for Disease X, Advanced Management of Liver Malignancies, Dementia Multidisciplinary Research Program of IPPT (DMR-IPPT), Breast Cancer Translational Research Program at IPPT (BCTRP@IPPT) was launched on 20th June 2022. Meanwhile, the Heart Failure Research Program is under observation for assessment in 2023. IPPT aimed to explore more translational research in these programmes for more results and output.
IPPT has also intensified the collaborative initiative with internal and external partners in academic, healthcare and research. This is particularly in line with the demanding development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) of which requires IPPT to position itself with strategic plans in terms of medical and healthcare areas to ensure the sustainability of the institution. IPPT always looks forward to reaching out and enhancing our network with renowned institutions with similar interests particularly in medical expertise and technology.
In addition, IPPT also plans to attract more local and international students to enrol in our postgraduate programmes. With regards to the academic programme, IPPT marks a proud history as the first institution in Asia that offers medical specialist training in Transfusion Medicine. Besides that, IPPT is also the only institution that offers a Nuclear Medicine Program in the country. IPPT has also been recognised worldwide as the International Educational and Research Centre of BrachyAcademy in 2020. Therefore, IPPT is optimistic in the effort to improve the quality of learning and public health in general and is willing to work with all parties to uphold this institution in the eyes of the world.
Thank you.
Exercising the Function of the Director
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Universiti Sains Malaysia