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Ward visitation   
Routine visits to the wards to ensure that guidelines under the infection control is being adhered to.

Data collection

a. Collect and record data such as MRSA, MRO, ESBL, location of infection, cause of infection and others.
b. Prepare documents accordingly.

Environmental Swabbing
a. Environmental swab at wards with outbreaks
b. Prepare a full report related to the environmental swab.
c. Repear environmental swab if necessary.
d. Environmental swabbing of instruments and surroundings to identify cause of infection.


a. Guide and advice related to Standard Precaution to staff in the wards.
b. Lecture or discussion about environmental cleanliess to the public.
c. Constructive criticism if there is a conflict related to following the Infection Control Policy.


a. Hold a Infection Control meeting every 4 months.       
b. Present the infection control reports at the management and clinical meetings.
c. Discussions with link nurse if necessary.


Monitoring all the clinical units for:
    •  Cleanliness and safety.
    •  Clinical and sharps waste.
    •  Hand hygiene prior to procedures, dealing with patients, or handling instruments.
    •  PPE usage while handling infection cases, oral treatment, collection of blood and during chemotherapy.
    •  Lotion and medication storage, as well as expiration date.
    •  Investigate needle prick incidents, blood or bodily fluid exposure.

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