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List Of Test And Sample Collection (Haematology)


1. Full Blood Count (FBC)

  • - Haemoglobin (Hb)
  • - Total White Blood Cell (TWBC)
  • - Total Red Blood Cell (TRBC)
  • - Platelet
  • - Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
  • - MCH, MCH, MCHC

2. Full Blood Picture (FBP)

  • - Haemoglobin (Hb)
  • - Total White Blood Cell (TWBC)
  • - Total Red Blood Cell (TRBC)
  • - Platelet
  • - Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
  • - MCH, MCH, MCHC
  • - Differential White Cell (DC)
  • - Reticulocytes
  • - Peripheral Blood Film (PBF)

3. PT / APTT*

4. Factor Assay*#

5. Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR)*

6. Bone Marrow Staining*#

7. G6PD Screening*

8. G6PD Assay*

9. Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT)* #

10. Haemoglobinopathy Analysis*

11. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis*

12. Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphate (NAP) Score*#

13. Molecular Haematology- PCR for Alpha Thalassemia*

                                                        - PCR for Beta Thalassemia*

*Note: The marked tests are not MS ISO 15189 accredited.

#Note: The marked tests are by appointment.


1. A correct amount of blood volume as stated on the tube is collected into the appropriate anticoagulant for the test requested.

2.The blood should be mixed gently and thoroughly for 1 minute by a rotary wrist movement and stored in ice until before send to laboratory.

3.All specimens should be sent to the laboratory immediately after collection. Delayed transportation of sample may affect the result.

4.Every specimen should be accompanied by details of clinical history and diagnosis in the electronic request or electronic request or a completely filled request form.

5.All samples to be sent to Haematology Unit should use specific containers according to tests requested. Required volume and container type for each test provided is listed in the table below:

1. Full Blood Count (FBC) 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
2. Full Blood Picture (FBP) 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
3. PT / APTT 1.8 ml blood in Tri-sodium Citrate tube
4. ESR 2.0 - 2.0 ml blood in EDTA tube
5. G6PD Screening 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube / filter paper
6. G6PD Assay 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
7. Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT) 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in Lithium Heparin tube
8. Haemoglobinopathy Analysis 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
9. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
10. NAP Score 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
11. Bone Marrow Staining Slide aspiration + Trephine
12. Thalassemia Screening FBP 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
Hb Quantitative
13 Thalassemia Confirmation Hb Quantitative 2 tubes of 2.0 - 2.5 ml blood in EDTA tube
Hb Electrophoresis
Polymerase Chain Reaction, if necessary*

Note: All specimen collection with EDTA, Tri-sodium Citrate and Lithium Heparin tube should be mixed gently and thoroughly for 1 minute by a rotary wrist movement.

*Note: Please refer to Chapter 8: Molecular Diagnostics Unit for more detail of sample collection and transportation.


Guidelines for coagulation test.

1. Warfarin therapy control PT (Prothrombin Time)
2. Heparin therapy control APTT (Activated Partial Thrombin time)
3. DIC screening PT, APTT, Fibrinogen, Di Dimer and platelet.
4. Liver biopsy PT (Prothrombin Time)
5. Pre-operative cases PT, APTT

Guidelines for specimen collection.

1. Good specimen collection e.g clean venipuncture, not from indwelling catheters or arterial lines, mix well by inverting 3-5 times gently.

2. Correct ratio 1 part of sodium citrate to 9 parts of blood is essential. Collect 2.5ml of blood into tri-sodium citrate tube.

3. Send blood to the laboratory immediately. The sample ideally tested within 1 hour of blood collection.

4. Note down exact time blood is collected.

Coagulation screening test

Where a patient is suspected of having a bleeding disorder, PT, APTT, Fibrinogen and FBP should be performed as a preliminary screen, bleeding time should be done after consult the Haematologist. If results are abnormal or in any case of doubt, the attending clinician should consult the Haematologist full coagulation studies will then be arranged if indicated.

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