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About Us

Molecular hydrogen (H2) has been shown to be beneficial to various diseases in pre-clinical and clinical studies, such as in ischemia/reperfusion injury, neurodegenerative diseases, and chronic inflammation, as well as reducing the side effects associated with radiotherapy. The therapeutic value of H2 is largely attributed to its ability to selectively scavenge damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast to many other antioxidants, H2 can easily pass through blood brain barrier and plasma membrane to act at the mitochondria, which is the major site of ROS generation.  However, most of the current research and applications of hydrogen therapy are conducted in Japan and China. The awareness about hydrogen therapy is lacking in Malaysia and the surrounding region.

Our main aim is to enhance the research on the potential therapeutic use of H2 in Malaysia. Research can be conducted on many aspects, such as in:

(i) Basic science -- understanding the cellular action of H2 in various disease models, elucidating the effector proteins to H2, or analysis on the epigenomic changes brought about by H2.

(ii) Medical applications – assessment, pre-clinical and clinical studies on different disease models, or developing novel delivery methods of H2 to patients.

(iii) Other applications -- safety for household use by consumers, or more efficient methods in producing and transporting H2.

In addition, we also aim to educate the public and those involved in the healthcare industry about the potential value of hydrogen therapy. We are happy to share our knowledge through seminars or workshops.
Interested parties are welcomed to contact us for discussion.

Contact Details:

Dr Ng Siew Kit  
Infectomics Cluster                 
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute     
Universiti Sains Malaysia             
13200 Kepala Batas                   
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
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Phone: (+60)4 5622529
    Dr Ooi Cheong Hwa
Lifestyle Sciences Cluster
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Universiti Sains Malaysia
13200 Kepala Batas
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
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Phone: (+60)4 5622412
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