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Unit Perubatan Nuklear

Perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan pada masa ini:
1) Oncologic Applications
a. Bone Scan to Rule Out Bone Metastasis 
b. Lymphoscintigraphy for Sentinel Node Localisation in Breast Cancer
c. Lymphoscintigraphy for Melanoma
d. Tumour Localisation
2) Orthopaedic Applications
a. Identify Occult Bone Trauma (Sports Injuries)
b. Diagnose Osteomyelitis 
c. Localize Sites for Tumor Biopsy 
d. Identify Bone Infarcts in Sickle Cell Disease
e. Diagnose Prosthesis Loosening or Infection
f. Evaluation of Paget’s disease
g. Diagnose Avascular Necrosis
h. Diagnose Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
3) Renal Applications
a. Detect Urinary Tract Obstruction 
b. Diagnose Renovascular Hypertension 
c. Measure Differential Renal Function 
d. Detect Renal Transplant Rejection
e. Detect Renal Scars 
f. Diagnose Vesico-Ureteric Reflux
4) Cardiac Applications
a. Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease
b. Evaluation of Known Coronary Disease; Location and Extent of Ischaemia
c. Evaluate the Effectiveness of Medical Therapy
d. Risk Stratification Post Myocardial Infarction 
e. Identify Surgical Patients at High Risk for Heart Events
f. Assessment after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
g. Measure Chemotherapy Cardiac Toxicity
5) Dental Applications
a. Diagnose the halt of growing bone in asymmetrical mandibular condylar hyperplasia
b. Salivary Gland Studies
6) Endocrine applications
a. Diagnose and Treat Hyperthyroidism (Graves’ Disease)
b. Localise Parathyroid Adenoma
c. I 131 therapy for Thyrotoxicosis 
d. I 131 Therapy for Thyroid Cancer Ablation
e. I 131 Whole Body Scan for Thyroid Cancer
f. Diagnose Cold or Hot Thyroid Nodule
7) Gastrointestinal Applications
a. Diagnose Acute Cholecystitis
b. Diagnose Biliary Tract Dysfunction
c. Detect Meckel’s diverticulitis
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