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Dr. Ng Siew Kit

Senior Lecturer

B.A. (Cambridge), M.A. (Cambridge), Ph.D. (Cambridge)

Research Interests

Antiviral innate immunity
RNA editing
Therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen (H2)
Tel: +604-5622529
Mobile: (+6) 012 522 2631

More Details

About Me

I joined Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia (AMDI, USM) as a lecturer in 2015.  Both my Bachelor degree (2009) and Ph.D. degree (2014) is completed at University of Cambridge, majoring in Biochemistry. I am now part of the RNA-Bio Research Group in  AMDI, USM.

My main research interest is on antiviral innate immunity, particularly on the cellular regulatory mechanisms in response to type I interferon. My current focus is on elucidating the post-translational modifications to IRF9 during antiviral response and also other cellular stress conditions. Besides that, I am also interested in understanding the interlink between A-to-I RNA editing with antiviral innate immunity, through ADAR1p150. I also have interest in the understanding the oxidative stress mechanisms in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with ongoing work involving titanium dioxide-based nanocomposites and molecular hydrogen-saturated water. 

I believe research should lead to open ends and more questions. That to me, is the joy of doing research! I welcome like-minded potential collaborators and students to contact me. 

"By opening a can of worms, I can feed many hungry eaglets. When they soar the sky, I will be brimming with pride"


Antiviral innate immunity

My main research is on interferon regulatory factor 9 (IRF9), which is involved in JAK-STAT signaling that results in upregulation of ISGs during type I interferon response. In general, the signal transduction along the JAK-STAT signaling pathway is regulated via tyrosine phosphorylation. However, there were little information regarding the regulation of IRF9 in response to type I interferon. Therefore we aim to elucidate the regulatory mechanism of IRF9 during type I interferon response. Our early results from USM short term grant led to a successful follow-up application of FRGS whereby we focus on the effect of IRF9 phosphorylation during type I interferon response. In addition, the work was selected for oral presentation in an international conference in Leiden, Netherlands. There were increasing evidence suggesting the involvement of IRF9 in ischaemia/reperfusion injury and cancer, in addition to antiviral immune response. 

RNA editing

My research background was in A-to-I RNA editing catalyzed by ADAR1. My previous lab discovered that A-to-I edited dsRNA will lead to suppression of ISGs induction during type I interferon response, which suggest a novel regulatory effect by A-to-I editing. This effect is dependent on the number of A-to-I editing. The subsequent focus was on  the large isoform of ADAR1, ADAR1p150, as it is upregulated during type I interferon response. ADAR1p150 localizes to cytoplasmic stress granules following both oxidative stress and detection of viral PAMPs. Cytoplasmic stress granules are mRNA sorting centres formed by aggregation of stalled ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs), and several core proteins. My Ph.D. project further expanded on this topic by identifying that Zα-DNA binding domains of ADAR1p150 (as did all other proteins containing Zα domain) is responsible in its localization to the stress granules. This led to many questions revolving the role of ADAR1p150 in stress granules and innate immunity suppression. I am looking to answer some of the questions.

*An USM RU grant has been recently obtained. Interested students are welcomed to approach me*

Therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen (H2)

In 2007, a conclusive study by Shigeo Ohta’s group showed that H2 behave as a mild antioxidant by scavenging free radicals. H2 is non-toxic and has high penetration (to mitochondria), which allows sequestration of damaging hydroxyl radicals at its source. Together, these properties make H2 an excellent antioxidant against oxidative stress, implicated in inflammation and aging. Since then, H2 has been shown to have positive effects on rheumatoid arthritis, organ transplantation and ischemic/reperfusion injuries. Nonetheless, the exact mechanism of H2 at the cellular level remains unclear. Our research will focus on understanding the effect of H2 on stress granule formation under various stress conditions. We are also interested in finding out associated changes in gene expression when cells are cultured using H2.



SK Ng,  R Weissbach, GE Ronson, ADJ Scadden (2013) Proteins that contain a functional Z-DNA-binding domain localize to cytoplasmic stress granules. Nucleic Acids Research 41 (21): 9786-9799


A  Paul, TH Tang, SK Ng (2017) Analysis of IRF9 phosphorylation state during type I interferon response. Oral presentation (by AP) at the 10th Leiden International (Bio-) Medical Student Conference. 15th-19th March 2017, Leiden, Netherlands.

SK Ng, R Weissbach, GE Ronson, ADJ Scadden (2014) Z-RNA binding confers protein localization to cytoplasmic stress granules and is implicated in antiviral response. Poster presentation at the 15th Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 26th-29th Nov 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

SK Ng, R Weissbach, GE Ronson, ADJ Scadden (2014) Proteins that contain a functional Z-DNA-binding domain localize to cytoplasmic stress granules. Oral presentation (by ADJS) at RNA 2014. 3rd-8th June 2014, Quebec City, Canada.

SK Ng, R Weissbach, ADJ Scadden (2013) Localization of ADAR1 to cytoplasmic stress granules. Poster presentation (by RW) at RNA 2013. 11th-16th June 2013, Davos, Switzerland.

Research Grant


USM Individual RU Grant; Interaction between NF90 and ADAR1p150 in cytoplasmic stress granules during type I interferon response, RM 89,196; Mac 2018—Mac 2020; Main Researcher

Fundamental Research Grant Scheme; Elucidating the role of IRF9 phosphorylation state during type I interferon response, RM 125,000; August 2016—July 2019; Main Researcher

Transdisciplinary Research Grant Scheme; Investigation of Bio-characterization, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of nanocatalyst/polypropylene (PP) nanocomposite for bio-medical applications, RM 230,000; December 2016—November 2019; Co-Researcher 

USM Short Term Grant; Effects of Exhaustive Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Damage, Muscle Enzyme Activity, and Heat Shock Response in Rats, RM 41,800; December 2015—December 2017; Co-Researcher


USM Short Term Grant; Investigating the Phophorylation of IRF9 during Type I Interferon Response, RM 47,000; September 2015—September 2017; Main Researcher

Contract Research; Potential Ergogenic Effect of Hydrogen-Enriched Water on Endurance Exercise Performance, RM 26,603.88; March 2016—December 2016; Co-Researcher


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 Young Scientist Program Fellowship, 24th IUBMB – 15th FAOBMB Congress, Seoul (2018)

 Design Thinking Innovation Ambassador, Genovasi Malaysia (2017)

 International Penang Invention, Innovation and Research Design Platform (PIID 2017) – Silver Medal

 Academic Staff Training Scheme fellow, USM (2010-2014)

 Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Honorary Scholar (2006)

 Academic Scholar, Robinson College, Cambridge University (2006-2009)

 JPA scholarhip, Malaysia (2006-2009)

Invited speaker:

 Young Scientist Program, 24th IUBMB – 15th FAOBMB Congress, Seoul, 2018

 3rd International Conference of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (ICMBB), Kuala Lumpur, 2017

 3rd AMDI postgraduate colloquium, Penang, 2017

Professional bodies: 

 Life member -- Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

 Ordinary Member -- Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

 Affiliate member -- Young Scientists Network-Akademi Sains Malaysia


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